Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Merwyn Evaluation

I submitted data of my Putting Tuner invention to the Merwyn Business Simulation program. They supplied a questionnaire to evaluate and assist marketing of the invention. Data becomes viewed by interested manufacturers, distributers, licensees and marketers. After enjoying the Planet Eureka "Innovation Roadshow Workshop", I felt it was worth a try.

To view short videos of the Putting Tuner, check my earlier post below (dated Aug. 13 and titled "Product Videos").

What's my motivation for submitting info to the Merwyn program? In short, I seek all available assistance to "push" my products to market. However, I like to "cautiously" evaluate anyone approaching any likeness to a "product submission" enterprise (the industry is full of scammers). However, my initial perceptions of Planet Eureka and Merwyn are most favorable. They claim to be the "real deal" , sincerely interested in assisting the inventor with "realistic" product pursuit. So, like I said, I felt it was worth a try. We'll know more later.
Similar news of my Merwyn trial was posted on an "INVENTOR" forum under "Business" within "Business & Entrepreneurs" (dated 10-3-09) on: forums.myspace.com. And I requested friends to post comments and insights on other "inventor helpers". Please do so! Maybe we''ll get some good, bad or ugly tales. Regardless, I'll keep you posted on tales and trials of the Putting Tuner.

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