I uncovered another revelation. As usual, it’s an obvious thought that’s already shared by hoards of other thinkers. I love to cut my own grass. So should every inventor.
A walk-behind power mower (like mine) offers exposure to mechanical wisdom. Sometimes it doesn’t want to run. Priming may be required. Oil and gas must be monitored. Is the air filter clean? Elevating four wheels can be an enlightening chore. No, it’s not “hi-tech”. But, we absorb a grateful understanding of how things work. We learn the necessity of attention, procedure and care. Yes, there are rewards in every task.
But that’s nothing compared to the benefits an inventor enjoys…after the motor starts.
Walking behind a self propelled mower offers a rare combination of solitude and satisfaction. Our thoughts can drift far outside the path of the power mower. Safety shrouds forgive innocent drifting into trees, hedges and sprinkler heads. Few of us attempt the quilted grass patterns seen on PGA fairways. We’re not pros. We simply follow alongside a previous wheel path. We welcome moments for our minds to wander. We have things to think about! That’s it. We love the chance for constructive dreaming - even when doing other stuff, like mowing the lawn.
Following the mower requires only casual concern. Cutting the grass is easy. It’s rewarding! The lawn will look lovely. Freshly severed blades of grass give an exhilarating aroma. Admiring our freshly cut lawn - we earn immediate gratification. Few accomplishments give such instant reward. Better yet, is our freedom to dream about bigger and bolder things – like our next “great idea”.
Behind a mower, the inventor plans designs, considers materials and replays packaging issues, without distraction. It’s better than the library. The drone of the mower deadens most interruptions. No-one dares distract the control of a mower in motion. Phone messages will wait. The world stands still.
Cutting the grass offers a fantastic opportunity. Ear buds are favored to silence interference. No music please! Creative minds like solitude. Thoughts thrive on such opportunity. There are random concerns to unravel and solutions must be discovered. Only great ideas are welcome to enter. It’s the perfect time and place for thinking. Just follow the mower!
Oh, I pity the people who have no lawn, no mower and miss the satisfaction we inventors enjoy. It bothers me that many creative women still resist the rewards of mowing. I continually offer my wife the opportunity, but she’s always thoughtful. She simply refuses to deprive me of the pleasure.
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