Dr Gary Nelson
17 yr President Of E.I.A.
Joe Gross
New President of E.I.A.
Even with other community activities tugging his time, Gary will remain an active member and recognized ambassador of E.I.A. He introduced newly elected president Joe Gross and both expressed enthusiasm for the clubs future. Then Past-President Gary Nelson sat relaxed with other members to enjoy a meeting, a speaker and a new president - for the first time in seventeen years.
The Edison Inventors Association meeting was haunted by computer video problems again. But, our guest speaker remained calm, well versed and ready to recite informative insights of the “packaging industry”.
Warren noted advantages of package materials, markings and colors for enhancing product recognition, beyond “over the counter” generic offerings. Packaging samples illustrated his concern for the three things all packages fear the most: compression, vibration and dropping. To avoid these dangers, he introduced wrappings, inserts and controlled testing. Warren advised inventors to anticipate their packaging requirements for product presentation and protection – before finalizing product designs. As usual, thinking ahead would be smart.
P.S. Edison Inventors Association welcomes speakers to share time and talents with our gathering. Fellow member Warren Schirado gained appreciation and thanks from all for contributing. It’s what our club is all about.
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