Friday, December 25, 2009

A 7 Foot Tower Of Ideas

Tht Edison Inventors Association is always concerned about promoting membership and encouraging our inventor community. Members donate time and talents to judge inventor fairs, attend talk shows, and do community service while representing a club that’s willing to help others. Young, old, and experienced inventors and entrepreneurs gather each month to discuss issues, discoveries and assistance we all appreciate. Our web site relays a lot of club info. Now there’s a Tower Of Ideas to help grab attention.

The Tower Of Ideas is a 7 feet tall triangular shaped monument - loaded with posters, pictures, patents, inventors, innovative ideas, and E.I.A. literature. Dressed with garland and holiday greetings it’s on display at The Edison Restaurant on McGregor Blvd, Ft. Myers. The big display is hard to miss. Exactly! That’s the point!

Other inventor clubs, business groups and friends on My Space and Facebook have been invited to tour the Tower on this web site. Perhaps they’ll want to duplicate the idea for publicizing a product, business, service or inventor club. A free eBrochure titled “How To Build A 7 Foot Tower Of Ideas” is available. The book has hints, tricks and cost of similar tower construction. It’s free and easy to download!

With a DNL reader installed – just click the book cover. You’ll learn all about the Tower Of Ideas.
For fast download, first click for a free DNL reader on our sidebar (if you haven’t yet). Then click any DNL Flippin eBook you find.
DNL is a super safe, virus immune format for multimedia or other publications (photos, audio and videos incluided).

Yup, it’s all FREE. Like I said, members of Edison Inventors Association are here to help. Happy New Year!

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